Morning walk is the best, safe & one of the oldest form which the people use to adopt to gain its various benefits. Due to many demands on our time at work and at home it can be difficult to find the time for physical activity but if you want to remain fit in your day-to day life walking can be a Key Role in your life. A naturally available medicine, your morning walk also allows you to get rid of any gastric blockages that might not allow you to get a sound sleep, and also adding to the excesses of pain to your body. Most diabetics have noticed a remarkable decline in their blood sugar levels, thanks to their regular promenades, especially the one taken earliest in the morning.

There are various types of Walk:-
Strolling walk:– Walking in a relaxed way, but with a good posture, shoulders down, arms swinging naturally as you walk.
Brisk walk:– Fitness, pace or aerobic walking: all mean pretty much the same thing, stepping up your pace and pumping your arms as you walk.
Power walk:– For a very fit, younger, experienced walker, usually working with a personal trainer. Walking with weights, carrying them in your hands and/or strapping them on your waist and ankles.
Water walk:– Walking (wading) through water, either in a pool or in the sea. Walking hip- to waist-high in water is a very good low-stress, high-intensity exercise. For higher intensity, run in the water, but you will need a vest or floatation belt to keep you in an upright position.
Treadmill walk:-Most gyms have treadmills, but many people are getting home versions that chart distance and speed and time the walk.

Benifits of Walking:-
- It protects you from breathing problems
- It helps in proper circulation of Blood
- It removes depression in your Day-to-Day life
- It helps you to prevent osteoporosis
- It controls your weight
- It controls and prevent the diabetes
- It increases your focus for the Day
- Boosts your immune system
Tips to make your Walk Effective:-
- Be Regular, Don't Walk only on weekends.
- Don’t walk right after a meal, Leave at least 45-60 minutes after eating before taking a walk.
- Laugh as much as u can or Join the Laughing Club
- Don't Drink water during the walk, Drink before & after walk.

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