VITEEE 2011. VITEEE Application Form 2011, VITEEE address of Vellore
Chennai Campus, Important Dates,
VITEEE 2011 List of Post offices for Sale of Application Form
The Prospectus and the information brochure for the B.Tech. Degree programme -2011
along with the necessary enclosures which include the Application Form and a printed self-addressed envelope, can be obtained against cash payment of Rs. 750/- from the various post offices as given.:-
1. By sending a Demand Draft for Rs. 750/- drawn in favour of ‘VIT University’ payable at Vellore to the address of Admissions Officer, VIT University, Vellore with a request letter containing the complete address with phone number. (or)
2.By handing over a DD of Rs. 750/- in person at VIT University from the following addresses:
B.Tech Programmes Offered for duration of 4 Years:-
- Bioinformatics
- Bio-Medical Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
- Information Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical & Energy Engineering
Address of Vellore & Chennai Campus & Office
Vellore Campus
Admissions Officer
VIT University
Vellore – 632 014
Phone No : +91-416-220 2125/2157/2168/2247
Fax No : +91 416-224 5544/5766 / 9955
Email :
Chennai Campus
Administrative Officer
VIT University – Chennai Campus
Vandalur Kelambakkam Road,
Chennai – 600 048
Phone No: +91 44-3993 1555 / 3993 1008
Fax No: +91 44-3993 2555
Chennai City Office
Chennai City Office
New No. 6, Old No. W-73
II Street (opp. to Tower Club)
Anna Nagar
Chennai – 600 040
Phone No:- +91 44-4201 6555 / 6548 0555
Fax No:- +91 44-26222555
Important Dates:-
Issue of VITEEE 2011 application forms:- 6th December, 2010
Last date of receipt of VITEEE 2011 application:- 28th February, 2011
VITEEE 2011 Entrance Examination Date:- 16th April, 2011